Saturday 28 February 2015

Before my head stopped me in my tracks!

The week before I went to hospital for the first time, was the usual crazy busy time for me.

I had a bad head when I woke on Monday morning but managed to make it in to the office for my regular finance meeting at 8.30am.  It wasn't an easy day, but by popping tablets (unusual for me as you will learn), I got through to 5.30pm.  I should have know something was wrong as the tablets weren't working like they usually did!

Tuesday was Istanbul!  Yes, really.  I flew to Turkey via Heathrow, where I met my client.  I remember rushing to the chemist for more ibuprofen, before boarding the flight.  I didn't eat much that day (again, unusual for me!) and got to the Hilton Bosphorus late in the evening and, after a quick call home, crashed out for the night.  Except I didn't sleep well and had to up up really early for a full morning of meetings about a European Conference.  I can't remember much of the meetings, but I do recall rushing off on 2 occasions to be sick!

I travelled home on Wednesday afternoon/evening, landing in Newcastle at 10.30pm, and had to drive straight down to Warrington that night.  I felt awful and was relieved to get there at 1.30am as I was wondering if I would make it!

That's not me, but I was there, and we all look the same in our DJs!

Thursday turned out to be my last event for a long time.  I operated sound on the Made in the North West Awards, and gave out a trophy, then when it was finished my long standing friend and co-director of R&B Group, drove me back to Newcastle in my car!  We got back to his and I climbed into the drivers seat, still dressed in my tuxedo from the awards, and drove the final 15 minutes to home.  That was the last time I drove!

I crawled into bed around 2.30am having peeled my dinner suit off and left it lying on the floor, where it stayed for several days!  Work the next day wasn't an option and I dozed on and off all day.

I wouldn't say my head was dreadful, maybe a 4 or 5 on a scale of 10.  But I felt terrible; weak having been repeatedly sick, tired having not slept, and more unwell than I've ever felt before.  I couldn't manage to do anything and really felt like curling up and dying!  Which is what almost happened.

It all began...

Taken in 2013 before my illness

One year ago today I was feeling dreadful.  I had a headache and hadn't slept well for a couple of days.  Having spent most of the day in bed, with time clicking by as slowly as I can ever remember, my wife practically ordered me to go to A&E.  It wasn't until Monday that I was actually diagnosed, and the journey really began.

I have always imagined writing this story, but it seems like a great time to re-live events one year on.  Over the next 12 months, I will re-tell my story as it happened.

If you know anyone suffering with any form of cancer, I hope my story offers you a little bit of help.  Of course, I'd be happy to talk about it with anybody who wants to know more.  You can find my details to the right.