Saturday 11 April 2015

Tues 8 Apr 2014: The front shell

So here's where things get slightly more interesting.  Time for the front casting to make the front part of the shell.  This time the first thing they do is fit the back shell legs and they lie you down to do that.  They make you comfy and use some putty to get it temporarily set up.  Then they bond the posts permanently to the plate that will fit into a slot on the radiotherapy bed.

Then you have to lie back into the mould and the technician plasters your front of your face.  Again, they fit you with a skull cap and grease you up again, and then it all starts to go dark!  And quiet!!


I can't see or hear you!

It takes about 20 minutes for the procedure and that includes 10 minutes in the dark.  They cover your eyelids with cling film and grease and slap the plaster of Paris all over you leaving a couple of small holes to breathe through.  This is the bit that most people don't like, but I was fine with it.  Although I was glad to get it off, if I am honest.  Anyway, eventually it does come off and the process to make the front shell continues...

Hey presto!

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